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Recovery Meetings

We are privileged to be able to host a variety of recovery groups and 12-Step programs.


FCC Meetings

Alpha Y Omega (Spanish speaking) - M-W-F @ 7:00 pm - Downstairs


AA Thursday Night Group -Thursdays @ 7:00 –8:00 pm– Downstairs


AA Promises Group - Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm- 8:30 pm - Downstairs


AA Friends of Bill W.-Saturdays @ 9:00 am-Downstairs


AA Night Owls –Saturdays @ 8:30 pm-9:30 pm-Downstairs


NA Morning Miracles-Monday, Wednesday, Friday @ 6:30 am-Downstairs


NA Keep It Simple-Sundays @ 6:30 pm -7:30 pm-Downstairs


NA We Came to Believe - M-T-W-Th @7:00 pm-8:00 pm-Fellowship Hall


NA Friday Night Ladies Group Fridays @ 6:00 pm - Fellowship Hall


NA Friday Night Group  Fridays @ 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Fellowship Hall


NA Upward Bound - Monday through Saturday @ 12 noon & Sunday @ 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Downstairs.


Al-Anon Wednesday Noon Group (Hybrid)- Wednesdays @ Noon –Fellowship Hall


Al-Anon TGIF (Hybrid)- Fridays @ 12:30 pm - Fellowship Hall


Blue Mt. Area NA 


AA & NA Meetings at SonBridge 


Various Meetings at the Presbyterian Church of Walla Walla


Walla Walla area Al Anon Meetings

Al Anon groups are confidential and meet to provide experience, strength

and hope to family and friends affected by others’ disease of alcoholism. All are welcome (In a Zoom meeting, you can turn off the video so that you can’t be seen, if you wish. Hybrid meetings will have some participants meeting in person along

with the option to join in remotely through Zoom.)

All Zoom & Hybrid meetings use:

Meeting ID: 897 4395 1831   Passcode: 921514


Saturday 12 noon

Experience Strength and Hope Group (Open, Hybrid)

In person at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (wheelchair accessible)

Access from the parking lot, back entrance. Door requires a code. Call the

number posted on the door before the meeting and we will let you in. For

Disability access, ask when you call and we will direct you and meet you.



Tuesday 7:00 pm

Courage Group (Open)



Wednesday Noon 12:00 pm

(Open, Hybrid)

First Congregational Church Fellowship Hall. (wheelchair accessible)

Access from back parking lot on Marcus Street (off Alder St.) Enter small

door to your left past AC & electrical room.


Friday 12:30

TGIF Group (Hybrid)

First Congregational Church Fellowship Hall. (wheelchair accessible)

Access from back parking lot on Marcus Street (off Alder St.) Enter small

door to your left past AC & electrical room.


For more information:

Al Anon Answering Service (to connect with a member) 509-522-5056

First Congregational Church

73 South Palouse Street
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Telephone: 509.525.8753

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